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July 2023 Newsletter

Writer's picture: Mosaic InstituteMosaic Institute


  • Free Course

  • Anti-Black Racism in Canadian Housing

  • Sharing Forum

  • Delivering Education Workshops

  • Sustainable Development Goals

  • Canadian Interfaith Conversation

  • United Nations - UPR

  • 100th Anniversary of the Chinese Immigration Act

  • Statistics Canada

Though the days may be getting shorter, they are no less full!

Sustainability is important, whether we are talking about our planet, societies, or organizations. Sustainability in our movements and ourselves are equally as important to contribute to the whole. We hope you are making equal efforts to sustain your own health and well-being during the hottest months ahead.


Leigh Naturkach

Executive Director

Free Course

Are you an educator or work with youth?

Take our free Peace Pedagogies self-guided online course and learn how to challenge prejudice and discrimination in the education system!

Our virtual modules teach essential tools, strategies, and foundational knowledge to cultivate practices that identify and address prejudices in your work.

You'll develop critical thinking skills, gain access to exclusive Mosaic Institute content, and be inspired to take collective action toward creating a more equitable and just society.

Participants will receive a Certificate of Completion when they complete all seven modules and accompanying assignments.

Make sure you enroll before October 1st!

Anti-Black Racism in Canadian Housing

The first of 15 UofMosaic publications from the 2021-2023 cohort is available now.

Prepared by UofMosaic fellow Adriano Tesolin, you’ll read about his own reflections, learning, Anti-Black Racism in Canadian Housing, and the need for race-based data.

Do you want to support our work in dismantling prejudice? DONATE TODAY

Community Sharing Forum

Mosaic’s Education and Training Specialist Nayani Nandakumar attended the Chinese Canadian National Council of Greater Toronto’s Knowledge Sharing Forum, held at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto.

This Forum for Chinese and Tamil communities was an opportunity to learn about institutional racism, social justice and advocacy among generations and celebrate the work done by these communities.

Delivering Education Workshops

As part of our ongoing partnership with Strong Minds Strong Kids Psychology Canada, Mosaic most recently delivered education workshops to organizational trainers.

Mosaic worked closely with SMSKPC to develop supplementary modules that advance equity, diversity, and inclusion in their existing Kids Have Stress Too! and Stress Lessons programs. These workshops ensure that practitioners have a solid understanding of the terminology and content within the supplementary modules, and feel equipped to navigate conversations with educators and parents.

This partnership is a great example of how organizations can work together to deepen and advance each other’s missions. Interested in learning how Mosaic can support your work? Contact Rachel Mansell, Vice-President Operations and Programs at

Sustainable Development Goals Networking Forum

Mosaic Institute was in attendance in Waterloo at the Whole Society Conference focused on Finding Common Ground in a Time of Polarization.

Our Executive Director Leigh Naturkach moderated a panel on “Polarization, Post-Truth and Populism” featuring David Hoffman, Dr. Carmen Celestini, and Ahmed Al-Rawi. Mosaic is exploring opportunities to continue dialogue focused on faith and 2SLGBTQIA+ communities into the future.

United Nations - UPR

Mosaic Institute provided input on Canada’s 4th Universal Periodic Review (UPR) which will be presented to the United Nations Human Rights Council in November 2023.

The UPR provides an opportunity for Canada to assess its human rights situation. Canada participates in the review as part of its ongoing efforts to ensure the promotion and protection of human rights at home and abroad.

Our response affirmed their work, and suggested additional key accomplishments to be highlighted; for example updates to the diversity reporting requirements under the Canada Business Corporation Act.

100th Anniversary of Chinese Exclusion Act

2023 marks the centennial anniversary of the Chinese Immigration Act. This discriminatory policy has had a lasting impact beyond its repeal in 1947.

The Action, Chinese Canadians Together (ACCT) Foundation and the Canada Committee 100 Society have come together to provide a hub and resource for learning, reflection and dialogue about the Act and to foster a sense of solidarity among those working to create a more inclusive society.

Statistics Canada

We participated in a national Forum to deliver feedback on the Visible Minority Concept and Standard. Mosaic provided input on:

· Data needs in relation to ethnocultural data

· Preferred terminology to use when analyzing population group data

· How to categorize different population groups

Read more about work that informed our statements, including our Improving Race Relations Report.

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